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Study Accounting With an Online BSBA

No business education is complete without a basic understanding of financial management and accounting. As Adam Colgate writes for, “Many a small business has failed due to a lack of proper bookkeeping. One of the most important elements shared by all successful businesses of any size is keeping accurate records, which is also a legal requirement.”

Whether you plan on joining the ranks of a large corporation or starting your own small business, having a working knowledge of accounting will be a great benefit to you and your business. Taking accounting courses through an online BSBA program is an excellent way to learn the accounting basics and prepare yourself for the world of business.

The Importance of Accounting

Accounting has been integral to markets for a long time. According to, “Accounting is the backbone of the business financial world. After all, accounting was created in response to the development of trade and commerce during the medieval times.” Successful businesses have had successful accounting systems for centuries.

Technology has, of course, given modern accounting a very different face, but the basic principles are the same. points out, “Accounting gives us the financial snapshot we need in order to make solid business decisions about the current status of projected future health of our businesses.” Understanding accounting is a way to interpret the health of your company.

Accounting and Business Plans

Having an understanding of accounting can help you both formulate and interpret a business plan. “Taking an accounting course can be extremely helpful in gaining the knowledge to write a business plan and in learning the particulars of each financial statement,” says Being able to track the flow of money and goods through a business makes preparing for the future much simpler.

Being able to interpret financial statements is an integral part of understanding where a business stands at any given time. Online accounting classes in an online BSBA program will give you the necessary knowledge to communicate with your colleagues and plan for a successful future for your business.

Financial and Managerial Accounting

In the BSBA program, you will become familiar with both financial and managerial accounting. According to, financial accounting relates to “information that companies make available to the general public: stockholders, creditors, customers, supplies, and regulatory commissions. Managerial accounting deals with information that is not made public. Information such as salary costs, cost of goods produced, profit targets, and material control information.”

Having a working knowledge of both financial and managerial accounting is vital for anybody interested in business.

Regardless of what path you choose to take in the world of business, having an understanding of accounting is absolutely essential. The accounting courses offered in an online BSBA program are a great way to learn the accounting fundamentals you will need in your career.

Learn more about NKU’s online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration — General Business program.


Online Accounting Degree Programs: What Are Some Benefits of Studying Accounting Online?

Business Dictionary: Should a Small Business Owner Take Accounting Courses?

Money Instructor: Why Do We Need Accounting?

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