Applications of Cybersecurity in Business - NKU Article
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Applications of Cybersecurity in Business

The most damaging and disruptive attacks on a company’s networks are much more likely to begin within an organization. A careless click on a phony link in an email that looks like it’s from a trusted source, finding a thumb drive and plugging it in to see what’s on it or postponing software updates can unleash malware, ransomware, spyware, worms, viruses, trojans and other malicious software into networks and other digital assets.

“More than 90% of cyberattacks are made possible, to a greater or lesser extent, by human error,” TechXplore warns.

Therefore, employees across the enterprise — whether in technical roles or non-technical operations — are one of the first lines of defense against hackers. This places responsibility on leaders in operations, from human resources and sales to finance and marketing. Business and people leaders must understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity and train their teams to recognize threats and what to do in case they spot one.

How Do Non-Technical Business Professionals Acquire Cybersecurity Understanding?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) enables students to add cybersecurity courses to their business studies and equips graduates with the skills and insights to protect an organization’s most valuable networks, devices and data.

The AACSB-accredited MBA online program from Northern Kentucky University (NKU), for instance, empowers students to expand and deepen their business expertise while tailoring their studies to key cybersecurity issues such as:

  • The fundamentals of cybersecurity, including risk management, user authentication and access control to digital assets, application security, cryptography, social engineering and other attack vectors cybercriminals use to exploit vulnerabilities
  • Measures to secure digital assets, such as the use and utility of automated botnets that actively scan computers and traffic across networks and systems to detect vulnerabilities and prevent breaches
  • Cloud computing security allows users to gain hands-on experience managing Amazon Web Services cloud computing platform and develop skills using Command Line Interface text-based programs that execute security controls

Expertise in cloud computing security is an especially high-demand skill as companies expand remote and hybrid work opportunities that became the norm when businesses decentralized operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“C-suite executives reported a 90% increase in cyberattacks after workers went remote,” according to Security Intelligence, adding that seven out of 10 are increasing investment in remote cybersecurity.

What Are Some Cybersecurity Applications in the Workplace?

The NKU online MBA with cybersecurity courses gives business leaders the knowledge and understanding to ensure their teams use the security measures developed by information technology and security teams. Front-line training subjects in the program include:

  • Social engineering awareness. Cybercriminals hack smartphones, laptops and other devices on networks outside the organization’s defenses to harvest log-in credentials, personal and professional contacts. They use that information to manipulate employees and exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Password security. In large organizations, this critical security function is managed by IT for company devices. Employees who use personal devices, however, and small to medium-sized businesses must train employees on the best practices established by the National Institute of Standards Digital Identity Guidelines regarding password complexity, length, character types and multifactor authentication.
  • Cybersecurity threat response. Companies must establish a cybersecurity response policy and ensure employees understand protocols, which includes reporting suspected social engineering or phishing attacks, disconnecting from company networks and preserving evidence of the alleged attack.

“Any cybersecurity awareness training program should include educational content, attack simulations, and penetration tests. Additionally, the program should provide role-based training depending on the employee’s position within the organization as well as follow-up sessions,” NordPass advises.

Graduates of an advanced business degree will gain both in-demand business and technology security acumen that organizations seek in the modern, data-driven world. Relevant courses that teach cybersecurity best practices in NKU’s program include Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Network Security and Cloud Computing.

Learn more about Northern Kentucky University’s online Master of Business Administration program.

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